About INAX International
PT INAX INTERNATIONAL is the leading Indonesian-based ceramics sanitary ware manufacturer founded in 1982.
As a trusted and primary choice for ceramics sanitary products, INA boasts an international management team with over 40 years of collective experience.
Combining top-notch designs, sophisticated manufacturing processes, and reliable quality control,
we have been bringing a wide variety of high-quality and on-trend products to our customers for four decades, ranging from wash basins to toilets to sanitary fittings. Our cutting-edge technology ensures that all of our products are manufactured efficiently while adhering to international
industry standards.
Our Process
Our factory started to operate in 1982. We started as a contract manufacturer for esteemed tabletop brands worldwide. In the subsequent years, we strengthened our in-house sales and marketing divisions and started selling our ceramics products locally to customers and organizations in Indonesia. In 2011, we started to branch out to producing furniture, under the name INA Furniture.
INA Sanitary
INA Home and Living
Contact Us
We’d love to hear from you. You can reach us by filling out the form below or using our contact details on the right.
Headquarter ( Indonesia )
Semarang Plaza 2nd Floor Block B
JI. H. Agus Salim No.7
Semarang – Indonesia
Experience Center & factory ( Indonesia )
JL Raya Mangkang
Semarang – Indonesia
See Our Map Locations
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